
I would encourage anyone who would like to participate and contribute to this blog.  However, as I stated on the PURPOSE page, this site is not intended to be an open forum for people’s reviews of just anything on Netflix.  That is a worthwhile endeavor and there are blogs that offer that kind of thing.   I started this blog with the intent of only listing things that I think are worth watching and that I want to encourage people to watch – especially things that I think might otherwise be overlooked.   A movie or show does not have to be obscure or unknown to be included on this site, but I do want to limit it to things that are recommended and to keep the main focus on films that the general public might be unaware of or not too familiar with.

I also admitted elsewhere that my own personal preferences influence my choices for my listings.  I have always liked foreign films.  But I have never been a fanatic about it.  However since streaming Netflix, I have had the opportunity to view a lot of movies I never would have the chance to see, and through their recommendations, be exposed to movies that I never even knew existed.

So why do you not see more mainstream Hollywood movies reviewed by me?  It is probably obvious to all Netflix subscribers that they reserve most of all the newer releases and more popular or well-known Hollywood hits for the DVD subscription service only.  My guess is this is a financial decision which allows them to keep their streaming service at an affordable rate (kudos to them for that).   Plus, there is only so much time and so many movies you can see.  I am the victim of my own limitations.  Even though “Silence of the Lambs” is, in my opinion, one of the most excellent movies ever made, and when I saw “Platoon” it was one of the most powerful cinematic experiences I ever had in a theater,  I may not be the best person to ask about a good horror or war film – not to mention that neither of these films need my promotion.

I would love to include all genres and styles of films, with a variety of subject matters, on this site.  Nothing would make me happier than to have other contributors who could fill in the gaps left by my choices and to rename this blog to “Viewers Netflix Picks”.   So again, I would encourage anyone who would like to contribute and submit their own recommendations.  I would just ask that you respect the following guidelines:

  • Only include movies that you would suggest (I know, but I cannot say it enough)
  • Keep your submissions to 500 words or less.  I think this is important because if any listing is  too long, you risk losing people’s attention.  Although I have gone to the limit, the majority of my descriptions  average much less.
  • This is not a forum for anyone’s political or religious agenda.  Again, there are sites for that and if that is your intent, I suggest you seek them out.  They are not welcome here.
  • Profanity:  This is not a sore spot with me.  I am not a censor.  I would point out that you sometimes come across as smarter, more thoughtful and more sincere without it.  However, depending on the review, the movie’s subject matter and the audience you are trying to reach I can imagine it being effective under certain circumstances.  I will respect your discretion in this, god damn it.
  • Try to follow the format of the blog (I list the director, date, country of origin and a rating for each review or listing).  And be sure to include categories and tags that you think are important to include and applicable.

So I would love to see some contributions from anyone who has a voice they would like to have heard.  There is a wealth of sci-fi, action-adventure, horror, documentary, independent, romance, anime, and whatever kinds of films out there to choose from.  I would welcome your help in pointing out the best of them.  To suggest a listing you can submit it in the “comments” section on the contact page, or you can e-mail it directly to

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